Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stealing Heaven: A Little Predictable

Finished up Stealing Heaven this weekend (another book finished on the dock).  The book is about a girl and her mom who move from place to place stealing--it's their occupation.  The main character was believable enough...and I felt like I needed to know what would happen to her.  However, I felt like I could predict the ending....  The foreshadowing was just a little obvious.

I've read a lot this summer, thanks mostly to this blog.  It's kept me focused and looking forward to the next novel.  I hope it helped you too.  Summer reading assignments are due in one week.  Where are you on that?  Make sure you are ready on the first day!

I pick up Pretties this week at the library.  Can't wait to read book 2 of the Uglies series.  All upcoming 8th graders should try to read Uglies--it will give you some background/insight when it comes time to read The Giver in class.

I head to my classroom tomorrow. I'll be there 1-3:30.  Join me if you'd like to:)