Saturday, October 15, 2011

Reading Counts counts

Quarter 1 is done. Books are read; quizzes are finished.  I was pleasantly surprised to see my students embrace the new reading program at WMS.  What I learned:  kids really like to read.  Here's what I learned after watching you guys read your way through quarter 1.

1.  Finding the right book is paramount. Our new librarian, Mrs. Brockman, brings life and excitement to WMS's library.  She gives book talks, shows book trailers and helps kids find that just-right book.  She's ordering $10,000 worth of new books as I write this.  Telling your friends about a good book is also key.  I always stick to award-winning books--other people found them good, so I should, too, right?

2.  Finding time to read is life-changing.  I'd much rather watch TV sometimes than do anything else...dishes, laundry, grading papers.  But working reading into your busy schedules means that you have to change a lifestyle.  Keep your book with you and read in the car, between classes, right after school.  When you would normally throw away a 1/2 hour watching "Good Luck, Charlie" for the 4th time, pick up that book and read instead.  Schedule reading.  Set a goal per day or week.

3.  Pick good books.  Know what the Reading Counts points are when you pick the book.  Know your schedule.  Two short quick books might get you points faster than one long hard book.  Also know your limits.  It's good to push your Lexile and read a harder book, but if you are up against a deadline, this isn't the time for that.  Know when the quarter ends!  For sure!  

4.  Use the public library.  Reading Counts is not unique to Wentzville School District.  It's a nation-wide program.  So books found at the public library are probably Reading Counts.  Don't discount audiobooks.  What a great way to get through a book!  You can download a book from the library website:  Or you can just go into the YA section and see what they have.  You can even renew your books online or reserve them.

5.  Start right away!  Quarter 2 starts Monday!  Get reading!

You can do this.  Read through my blog to find some good ideas for books.  Good luck and happy reading:)

Use this link to check how many points your book is worth in Reading Counts: