Friday, February 3, 2012

Compound: Jaw-dropping plot

Compound by SA Bodeen is a wonderfully written, fast moving YA book.  I picked it up initially because my principal, Dr. Ray mentioned it was good.  Wowsers!  It was a great book.  I read a lot of it during Core Plus and the students loved watching me read the book while I gasped, yelled out and became engrossed in the text.

The book is about a family who goes into a compound 3 stories below ground after a nuclear attack.  The main character's twin and grandma don't make it in, so he spends most of the book dealing with the loss of his twin.  But things aren't as they seem and his dad hides some secrets.  And from there, it gets really, really interesting.  And makes you figure out when you can read next...I found myself asking myself, "If I leave school right after the bell, I can go home and read..."

It really looks like a guy's book but I recommend this one to anyone.  It doesn't follow the normal YA plot either--either a Utopian society or a teenager's journey to finding popularity.  I think that's why I liked it so. Refreshing.

So pick it up today.  You won't regret it.  At.  All.