Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summer Reading

I'm worried about my students doing their summer reading assignments.  Seriously, my own kids struggled to get in reading time this summer even after I read book after book and faithfully went to the library all summer long.

Laurel is doing her summer reading assignment right now and only when I said, "You are not having that party Wednesday if you aren't done with your assignment" did she kick it in high gear.  She is reading 1984 and had already read the Delirium series.  The journal entries aren't that bad once you get going.

Cale picked up a book (Trashed) last night (July 30) for the first time since putting his book bag in his closet in late May.  And he only did this because I wasn't feeling well, it was rainy, and he was bored outta his mind.  He read 21 pages.

I've talked to a couple of high schoolers who are thinking of dropping out of Pre AP English classes this fall because of the dreaded summer reading assignment.  I strongly urge students to just do the assignment and be prepared.  You cannot get ahead in English without the Pre AP courses.  You will NOT be able to take the AP English class your junior year if you don't take the two Pre AP classes freshman and sophomore years.  If you are college bound, I can't think of a better way to help yourself.  All classes require research, reading and writing.

Don't be lazy.  Start reading now. Like put your computer, iPad, phone down and read.  You can do it. I know you can. (and just so you know, I am going to go get my book right now too.)  Good luck and don't give up on yourself.