Monday, September 12, 2011

Can you read 2 books at the same time? I can.

So I'm reading 2 books right now.  I usually only have time to read, umm, no books.  But I'm making reading a priority because I'm making reading a priority for my students.  They have to see me read.  They have to see me "want" to read.  They needs to know sometimes, it's ok to want to sit and watch a completely mindless TV show like "Bachelor Pad".  They have to know that blowing an hour on Facebook is OK, but you still have homework and reading to complete.  And you have to read.  There's no way around it.

I'm reading Pretties by Scott Westerfield.  It's a great book.  It's a thriller...keeps me guessing.  And during Core Plus, I pull the book out and read.  And it's painful because I could be answering email, grading those pesky ungraded essays, taking attendance, making sure the kids are reading, watching the wasp in my room (does it really have a nest above the 4th light back?).  But I'm glad I force myself to read during class.  It makes me a better reader.  Period.  Case closed.

And at night before I go to sleep, I started reading Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine.  The narrator of the book as Asberger's--a form of autism.  It's so neat to see the world through Caitlin's eyes.  At first I did not like the book, but Caitlin is growing on me.  I'm interested to see how she thinks, what she'll do.  I recommend it.  And it's 11 SRC! points.

And by the way, I heard that this blog was passed around on Facebook by my 8th grade students.  I'm flattered.  Truly.  I'm glad you're talking about reading or at least were interested enough in a teacher who blogs about reading to post it and click on the link.  Do it again.  I dare you to link it to Facebook.  I'll read more if I know you're listening, I mean reading.  And I hope it shows you I care about your reading success.  Cuz I do. (you want to edit that, don't you?)

Now get off this blog and read!

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