Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Holt Pre AP English I Summer Reading Assignment

Pre-AP English I – Summer Reading Assignment
The Pre-Advanced Placement English I course is designed to build a foundation for the knowledge and skills required to succeed in upper level Advanced Placement English courses.  Over 50 literary terms are introduced and applied to classic literature during the course; four literary selections from the Advanced Placement list will be read by students independently over the course of the year.  In order to begin discussion on the first day and assess retention of knowledge and skills gained in middle school, a summer reading assignment has been created.
  1. Acquire a copy of John Knowles’ A Separate Peace.  The novel may be purchased or borrowed from a library.
  1. Read the novel before the first day of school
  1. Choose one of the topics below.  As you read, record 10-15 passages which reveal Knowles’ underlying message about that topic.  Look for subtle references to the theme in characterization, plot development, symbolism, setting, mood, tone, and irony.

  1. Type an outline of an essay which explains the theme relating to the topic you chose.  The outline should include the following:  thesis statement, three topic sentences, 2-3 passages that support each topic sentence.  This essay will be developed into your first essay.
  1. Be prepared for discussion and assessment during the first weeks of school.  You will turn in your chosen topic and 10-15 passages and your typed outline during the first week of school.   These will be your first grades of the semester.
I look forward to meeting you in the fall!  You may email any questions to me at sarahvogelman@wentzville.k12.mo.us.  

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