Sunday, July 15, 2012

Delirium: Best. Love. Story. This. Summer.

If you are looking for a GREAT book--fast paced, action, love story....girls, you'll wanna check out/download Delirium by Lauren Oliver right now.  Laurel said this trilogy is great and she is absolutely right on.

Another dystopian YA novel, this one is based on the fact that "love" is a disease. At age 18, you must get cured and the scientists take out love and you are "cured" not to mention the fact you are then walking zombie full of nothingness.  

Lena is just days away from the cure she's dreamed of for so long and WHAM (of course you saw this coming) she meets Alex.  Even though the plot is pretty predictable, the author does a good job of giving us a front row seat watching them fall in love.  And it makes us cheer them on for the rest of the book!

I read this in record time--my niece agrees, get the book today!  I advise you that this is the first book in a trilogy...Pandemonium is next...and the third book is due out this January.  If I didn't have some yearbooks to judge, I would start Book 2 tonight.  I cannot wait to see what happens to Lena!

Warning:  has a couple cuss words...and I'd like to say, shame on you Lauren Oliver.  So many words out there...those were totally uncalled for.

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