Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life As We Know It: Can't stop thinking about canned food now.

Life As We Know It by Susan Beth Pfeffer is a post-apocalyptic YA book about one families' survival journey. When an asteroid hits the moon and knocks it off kilter, the world begins to self destruct. The Pennsylvania family hunkers down and faces the weather and hunger head on.

Told in a diary format, the book is fairly long but once you get into it, it goes quite fast.  Teenager, Miranda shows her strength and will to survive throughout the whole book as she grows up.  Warning though: I actually screamed when I read the last page...I was hoping for more of a resolution. I actually found out then that this is book 1 of a series....ugh!  Now I have to find out what happens to them.

It will have to wait as I checked out Delirium by Lauren Oliver yesterday.

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