Monday, June 20, 2011

City of Bones: The Ending...OMG!

Couldn't hardly put this book down in the last 50 pages.  In fact, Sat. night, I left my book on the boat.  I realized it was down there pretty late...and didn't want to walk down to the dock in the dark (and through the spider webs).  I was so mad.  For those of you who know me, you know I wouldn't walk through spider webs (ever)...for others, this is a shocker because reading hasn't always been my thing.  I only like to read when I find a good book and when I have time.  Glad to have both this summer.

Back to the book, City of Bones....boy, Clary and Jace make some HUGE realizations near the end of the book.  I, for one, didn't see this coming at all.  The author does a good job of weaving all their lives together and not making the foreshadowing too obvious.  The book is a cross between Harry Potter and Twilight--all the action of Harry Potter and some of the romance of Twilight (and throw in a few vampires and werewolves and add demons, forsaken and fairies).

I would recommend this book.  I've looked for it at the county library and haven't seen it.  Must be checked out.  Either I need to reserve the second one or just go buy it at Target like I did the first.  Give it a try!

On to my next adventure:  Is It Day or Night?  This is the Holocaust historical fiction.  It has a fairly slow start....but I'm interested to see what happens to the little girl and their family.  So far, she and her family have had to endure all the new rules in Germany that being a Jew entitles them:  not attending movies, the pool, shopping in certain stores, not learning music in school.  It's neat to hear her perspective or POV.

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What book are you reading?

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading Black is the New Bitter by Jen Lancaster. It's a memoir about a woman who has a very high paying job and an expensive apartment, but gets laid off during the economic downturn. The story is witty and Jen's actions can be shocking. I find myself drawn into the story and waiting to see what will happen to Jen next. It's easy to relate to the trials she goes through, but her abrasiveness and perspective on things keeps wondering. There are three books in the series. I can't wait to move on to book two called Such a Pretty Fat.
