Wednesday, June 15, 2011


"She had imagined Jace leaping from the bed in astonishment and gasping something like 'Egad!' This didn't happen--largely, she suspected, because Jace had seen much stranger things in his life, and also because nobody used the word 'Egad!' anymore (Clare 326).

I love that quote from City of Bones.  I'm going to try and use "Egad!" at least twice today....:)

So yesterday I took Laurel and Cale (and myself) to the library on Highway K.  I asked Cale if he wanted to go and he said he kinda wanted to go---then decided he wanted a Boxcar Children book.  So I jumped on the chance and we went.  (he's read 1 of his books already--came in to my room at 6:44 this morning to tell me he finished it!!!  ha!)

I checked out that book I've been trying to get you guys to check out all year---you know the one with the Holocaust survivor?  It has a blue cover and I say, "I think you'd like this one!"  Then you hold it for a minute and set it back down.  I know I did that about 25 times this year.  I don't think anyone ever checked it out!  The title:  Is It Night or Day?

Are you headed to the library this summer?  What are you checking out?  The county library has a teen summer reading program---coupons and a cool lighted pen.  Talk with me!  Follow this blog!

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