Friday, July 29, 2011

Uglies + The Giver + Hunger Games = The Same

Hey upcoming Holt freshmen!  You won't want to miss out on Uglies if you haven't read it already.  It is so similar to The Giver and the Hunger Games that I'm thinking I could teach all three books at the same time and have the same exact discussion going.

Uglies is a sci-fi book which has an alternate world just like Giver and Hunger Games.  I don't really like sci-fi but this is so interesting.  I'm fascinated how the book parallels our own world and how we value "being pretty" with happiness.  When in reality that's not what the world should be about.  It has such a great theme--some really great life-learning lessons.

The main character in all 3 books struggles to learn the truth about what they thought they knew was real and what reality actually is.  The reader follows their journey as they learn the real truth about the world.

I really think you all should give this one a try.  The author is coming to town this fall...I can't wait to meet him too!  Looking forward to reading Pretties before he comes to town.

OK, so just about 2 weeks until school.  Have you completed your summer reading?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hate List is a great book!

Finished Hate List yesterday on the dock.  I was totally crying.  Although the ending wasn't as good as the whole book...and has one of those open endings that my 8th graders love so much (sarcastic), I still loved the book.

Val really had to go through a lot during the book and grew so much as a person.  I can't imagine how she dealt with all of it without yelling "I didn't shoot anyone" all the time.  And I wasn't a huge fan of either her mom or her dad...or brother really.  What mom never asks if her daughter is guilty?  What mom doesn't step in and help a daughter more?  It was weird.  And her dad.  Yuck!

I thought that they should have put a yearbook picture of Ginny--from before the shooting--in the time capsule.  That would have been very sweet.  Where you thinking that the ending would have been different.  I thought her speech would have been very different at graduation.  I couldn't understand why she kept mentioning the hate was driving me nuts.

Also where did this art teacher fit into everything?  She wasn't related to anyone?  It was really weird.  Not that she liked to draw...but the teacher.  I don't understand why she had to be so eccentric and described in so much detail.

I've started Uglies now and it reminds me so much of The Giver.  The whole location and concept is very much like The Giver's government and ideology.  I like it so's so different.  What a neat concept for a book.  Anyone going into 8th grade should read it before reading The Giver.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Just great reading!

So City of Ashes is pretty slow, so I put it down and waited for Laurel to finish Hate List (which is a book from the list on the right).  She LOVED it, so I was really looking forward to it.  And it's already due next week....

I started Hate List last night and it is certainly worth the wait.  It's about a school shooting, and it goes back in forth in time which is a bit confusing so far.  Laurel said it takes some time to get used to it.  I'm not very far into it, but it pulled me in right away.  I could really identify with the characters immediately.  What I've already learned is no matter much you hate (and you shouldn't), don't write it down on a list, cause that list will surface one day and you'll look bad--like really bad.  That's a good theme, huh?

I reserved and picked up Uglies and Stealing Heaven this morning (the right Stealing Heaven this time).  Laurel is excited to get started on one.  Can anyone recommend which one she should try first?

What are you reading now?  Is it good?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Locker Room Talk: High school boys are crude

Finished Food, Girls and Other Things I Can't Have today on the dock.  I was actually cheering on the guy at the end and laughed out loud at one point although I don't remember what was so funny.  I'd recommend this YA book--especially to a boy reader.

What I was surprised about was the language content....some of it was fairly inappropriate.  I figure some of the innuendos and vulgar language are how boys talk in high school, but to be reading it in a book is just plain weird for me.  Most of my time, I spend sheltering my own kids from mature video games, MTV television shows and R rated movies.  But in reality, parents (hey, that's me) need to be reading ahead and finding out what's in these YA books!  Teenagers read about the same topics I wouldn't let my daughter watch at the movies or on's really so backwards.  Is this OK?  Am I the only one noticing this discrepancy?

But I also want to add that the inappropriate content still isn't half as bad as shows like Jersey Shore and 16 and Pregnant...  So parents shouldn't shy away and start banning (censoring--oh no!) YA books.  They are great conversation starters for parents and teenagers, especially if you've pre-read the book.  Check out a book and read it.  Be a good role model.  And you kids:  tell your parents they need to be reading as well.  Turn the Bachelorette off--nobody like Ashley anyway:)

So even though I'm at the Lake, I got on the St. Charles County Library webpage tonight and reserved Hate List and Stealing Heaven (both on the summer reading list on the right).  I have the second book: City of Ashes to hold me over until I get home.  Thank goodness I thought ahead.  Whew.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Getting through the book

So I plodding though most of Food, Girls and Other Things I Can't Have, I kinda like it.  It seemed a little conversational to me after reading the last well-written book, Jude (btw, I lent that one to a friend at the Lake and she LOVED it!)  But this other book is just a different style and I had to talk myself into continuing on with this book after page 10.  Glad I did.  Maybe it's the fact that the main character is a boy--and he's the opposite of me.  Or maybe it's because I know what he's thinking all the time--and he has weird, boy thoughts (which I don't necessarily want to know).

It's gotten better and now that the main character has shown some growth (become more normal)--I kinda want to know what happens to him in the end.  It's been slow going on the reading since I've been on vacation for 10 days without a lot of time to read.  Even though it's midnight now, I'm anxious to go to bed and read for a while.

I look forward to going to see what book to read next.  I plan on going to the library as soon as I get home from the Lake this week.  A good book is perfect for a super-hot can get all snuggled in--in the air conditioning.

What are you reading that's good???  Are you accomplishing your summer reading assignment?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Hey Jude

So I finished reading Jude this morning.  What a great YA book!  The book is about a teenager that goes through some turmoil with his dad, is reunited with his mom and goes through some huge life ordeals before you learn the real mystery.  I'd recommend it to either boys or girls.  It's a real page turner and you can really relate to the characters.  Plus, even though a bit predictable, I loved the ending...

Pick it up today at your local library!  on to Food, Girls and Other Things I Can't Have.  It's on the reading list, folks:)

Have a great 4th of July.  Are you reading Ethan Frome, Pre-AP kids???