Sunday, July 10, 2011

Getting through the book

So I plodding though most of Food, Girls and Other Things I Can't Have, I kinda like it.  It seemed a little conversational to me after reading the last well-written book, Jude (btw, I lent that one to a friend at the Lake and she LOVED it!)  But this other book is just a different style and I had to talk myself into continuing on with this book after page 10.  Glad I did.  Maybe it's the fact that the main character is a boy--and he's the opposite of me.  Or maybe it's because I know what he's thinking all the time--and he has weird, boy thoughts (which I don't necessarily want to know).

It's gotten better and now that the main character has shown some growth (become more normal)--I kinda want to know what happens to him in the end.  It's been slow going on the reading since I've been on vacation for 10 days without a lot of time to read.  Even though it's midnight now, I'm anxious to go to bed and read for a while.

I look forward to going to see what book to read next.  I plan on going to the library as soon as I get home from the Lake this week.  A good book is perfect for a super-hot can get all snuggled in--in the air conditioning.

What are you reading that's good???  Are you accomplishing your summer reading assignment?

1 comment:

  1. Garrett is reading this right now and seems to like it. I hope he finishes today so I can read it before it is due.
