Monday, July 11, 2011

Locker Room Talk: High school boys are crude

Finished Food, Girls and Other Things I Can't Have today on the dock.  I was actually cheering on the guy at the end and laughed out loud at one point although I don't remember what was so funny.  I'd recommend this YA book--especially to a boy reader.

What I was surprised about was the language content....some of it was fairly inappropriate.  I figure some of the innuendos and vulgar language are how boys talk in high school, but to be reading it in a book is just plain weird for me.  Most of my time, I spend sheltering my own kids from mature video games, MTV television shows and R rated movies.  But in reality, parents (hey, that's me) need to be reading ahead and finding out what's in these YA books!  Teenagers read about the same topics I wouldn't let my daughter watch at the movies or on's really so backwards.  Is this OK?  Am I the only one noticing this discrepancy?

But I also want to add that the inappropriate content still isn't half as bad as shows like Jersey Shore and 16 and Pregnant...  So parents shouldn't shy away and start banning (censoring--oh no!) YA books.  They are great conversation starters for parents and teenagers, especially if you've pre-read the book.  Check out a book and read it.  Be a good role model.  And you kids:  tell your parents they need to be reading as well.  Turn the Bachelorette off--nobody like Ashley anyway:)

So even though I'm at the Lake, I got on the St. Charles County Library webpage tonight and reserved Hate List and Stealing Heaven (both on the summer reading list on the right).  I have the second book: City of Ashes to hold me over until I get home.  Thank goodness I thought ahead.  Whew.


  1. My son just finished "Food, ..." and liked it. Didn't know about the language...huh. I need to read it. But, he IS 14. My daughter read "Hate List." Loved it. She told me there was some bad language in it...really bad language. We talked about it and talked about the content. She is so mature that it worked out just fine. It was eye-opening for her, I think.

    I like what you said about Jersey Shore, etc. It's crap TV.

    You'd love the fact that we have turned off the TV this week and had quiet reading time in the living room. It's been nice.

  2. I remember being surprised and kind of like "How can they write that??" when I was a YA reading certain books or parts of books (I unfortunately can't remember the titles). I think it's great that you're recommending parents read the book prior to their kids (or they could even read it simultaneously and discuss it, kind of like a book club!). That would be an excellent way to spark discussion and a great activity to do together.
